Virtual Field Trips

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 No comments

 Incorporate a weekly Virtual Field Trip into your weekly schedule! 

Here are some FREE virtual field trip resources that you may find helpful.

How can you incorporate a virtual field trip?

-Field Trip Fridays (Every Friday at a designated Time) 

-Non-Fiction Destination related to your reading for the week.

Class Culture & Classroom Management: 

-Allow your students to choose the weekly destination for the Friday Field Trip.

-Have a Field Trip Guide as part of your classroom jobs.

-Create a bucket list as a class for the year's destinations.

Nearpod VR (virtual reality)

Nearpod What are Fossils?

Seesaw Virtual Field Trips

Seesaw Library for Field Trips

Youtube Channels

It's Tech Tip Time!

Monday, October 5, 2020 No comments

 Remote, Face to Face, Hybrid, Oh My!

Here a few fun tech tips that you may find helpful! Prayers and blessings to you and your students as you teach and learn today! Click on the image for the You Tube Video: 

Come back for Tech Tips each week, subscribe to "It's Tech Tip Time" Youtube Channel!