Twitter Fairy

Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Are you using Twitter to expand and grow? If you aren't... you're missing out.
Not only has our campus excelled at using twitter to network, collaborate, and highlight their classrooms but we have also learned so much from teachers and principals from around the country.

With Twitter catching on and having 85% of our campus staff utilizing Twitter I had to think of a way to highlight them and motivate them for continuing their growth mindset. I have loved following @mandyeellis , a principal in Dunlcap Illinois, who inspires me tremendously.
Her implementation of the TWITTER FAIRY is a great concept and super fun.

Here are a few highlights of what the Twitter Fairy has been up to for 2018-2019  school year.

Not only did our campus improve Twitter participation this year and enhance our networking, growing together, and participating in the ultimate learning community we were also recognized as having the most participation district wide!
Super proud of our trending educators.

Ideas for Twitter Fairy incentives: Jean Pass, Early Dash Out Coupon, Intercom Recognition, Veggies, Fruit, Sesaonal Candy, $5 Subway, Sonic Slush, Wendy's Frosty, Snow Cones, Cookies, Rotobeer Float, Cart Service, and so much more! 

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